The Plant Trolley
Several times throughout the growing season, I produce plants for ‘garden gate’ sales on my trusty trolley. As one of my pet peeves is plant retailers who don’t give adequate information about the plants they sell, this page is for my local customers who want to know how to best look after the plants they buy from my trolley.
Available now
Dahlia Redskin
Great vibrant colour from late summer into autumn. They will flower until the first frost so hopefully into October
Water well and feed every week or so with a high potash feed, such as tomato feed. Alternatively, use slow release granules
Protect from slugs if they start eating the leaves
Dead-heading i.e. Removing faded flowers, is the best way to keep new flowers coming. Pinch or cut off the old flower. Be careful as the new buds look very similar, but they are quite rounded, whereas the dead flower is more conical.
These dahlias are really best seen as an annual and discarded in winter, but they may be dug up and the tubers kept quite dry in a frost free place. With a bit of luck, they might regrow next year
Coming later
I will add more plants to my page as they become available